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Paleo Diet Kills - LOL

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Paleo Diet Kills - LOL Empty Paleo Diet Kills - LOL

Post  xtrocious Wed Jan 19, 2011 6:21 am

Happy new year, nothing like a health scare a la Daily Mail to kick off. Ever heard of orthorexia nervosa? Nope, me neither, at least until yesterday when the Metro ran an article on it, about the rise of extreme eating where people cut out entire food groups because they’re so paranoid it’ll do them harm. Pretty timely I’d say…

Lap it up. Or if you want the highlights (lowlights?) be warned that,

"cutting out food groups such as wheat, dairy or meat can have a devastating effect on health… suffers can become severely malnourished, and deficient in vital vitamins and nutrients… leading to problems like adrenal fatigue, brittle bones, infertility and in extreme cases, death"

All this at the same time when the Paleo movement (no grains, no legumes, no dairy, diet based on meat and vegetables, a return back to our hunter-gather diet) is making huge strides in the US, and is slowly but surely creeping across the pond to the UK. And look at them all, with their vibrant health, shiny hair, ultra-bright teeth. Sick the lot of them! Yeah, especially those ultra marathon runners, iron man triathletes. What and as for Ursula Grobler, competing in the London Olympics next year, rowing, with a diet of no grains, dairy or legumes? Tell you what mate, I’ll be surprised if her arms don’t snap at the starting line.

Or maybe not. There’s no doubt that Paleo is pretty extreme, especially when put next to the standard British or American diet, but the logic behind it is sound, and you’ll be hard pressed to find a follower that doesn’t have demonstrably good results with it after sticking it out for at least a month (that part’s crucial by the way, it takes time to adapt). Not everyone agrees of course – the NHS have called it a ‘fad diet’ and on the opposite end of fad eating raw foodists (all food raw, simple eh?) have done an intelligent but unfortunately misguided critique of it over here. It’s largely misguided because they’ve assumed the diet is pretty much Innuit (fat and meat) with barely any vegetables. Ooops.

By the way, the copy and paste here doesn't allow the html links to be copied over...

Is it normal or a bug?

Anyway, please read the original article for the links - I will post some of the more important ones Laughing


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Paleo Diet Kills - LOL Empty You can be TOO healthy - hahah

Post  xtrocious Wed Jan 19, 2011 6:22 am

..When Britain was labelled the fattest country in Europe, experts were quick to point the finger of blame at our modern lifestyles. Busy work schedules coupled with the demands of social and family life left us little time to cook, they claimed, the result being a reliance on unhealthy convenience foods.

In a nation where almost one in four people are so fat they are classed as clinically obese, it’s no wonder nutritionists are constantly warning us to eat more fruit and vegetables and less fat. But what happens when our obsession with healthy eating goes too far?

According to some experts, focusing too much on foods low in fat, salt and sugar could actually be a sign of mental illness. Those who completely deny themselves certain foods or worry too much about how ‘pure’ their meals are may be putting both their physical and mental well-being at risk.

Eating disorder charities are reporting a rise in the number of people who suffer from a condition known as orthorexia nervosa – which derives from the Greek word meaning ‘right’ or ‘correct’. Unlike anorexia, orthorexia is not recognised as a medical term but instead classed as a mental health condition because criteria vary so much from case to case.

Those affected are so obsessed with eating healthily, they often cut out entire food groups such as wheat, dairy or meat, believing it’s good for them. However, it can have a devastating effect on their overall health.

Sufferers can become severely malnourished and deficient in vital vitamins and nutrients that their bodies need to function properly, leading to problems such as adrenal fatigue, brittle bones, infertility and, in extreme cases, death.

‘Cutting out entire food groups can result in serious nutritional deficiencies,’ says Steven Jenkins, spokesman for the British Dietetic Association. ‘Eliminating milk and dairy products, for example, can result in calcium deficiency, which can increase the risk of developing osteoporosis. There are also psychological risks. If foods are omitted on a long-term basis, people may become nervous about adding them back in, which creates a sort of phobia.’

Orthorexia affects both men and women. Sufferers tend to be over 30 but the condition can manifest at a much earlier age. ‘Children learn by copying – and that includes their parents’ eating habits,’ says Jenkins. ‘If parents are setting a poor example, then the same pattern can be reflected in their children.’

Deanne Jade, from the National Centre for Eating Disorders, says the condition is becoming more widespread in modern society because of the pressures put on us to eat ‘healthily’ by writers, nutritionists and health and fitness professionals.

‘We’ve come to realise diets don’t work long-term, so writers instead tend to produce weight-loss plans disguised as healthy eating plans that make us feel eating this or that food type is bad for us because it’s the wrong thing for our blood type or might affect our bodies in this way or that,’ argues Jade.

‘This negative message is being reinforced by an army of nutritionists and personal trainers, all who have their own ideas of what foods are bad and good for us and they often use scare tactics. All these messages drip feed into our consciousness until we feel that if we are not on some kind of health kick or eating plan we are all going to die from horrible diseases.’

In a susceptible person, Jade warns that food ‘scaremongering’ can tip them over the edge into developing an eating disorder like orthorexia. ‘There are a lot of people in our society who are vulnerable to these messages,’ she adds. ‘You might think taking vitamin C is good for you but you can go from that to feeling like you can’t live a day without it. Orthorexia is the extreme end of this.’

The difference between orthorexia and other eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa, is that while anorexic patients limit the quantity of the food they eat, sufferers of orthorexia fixate on the quality of it.

The rules vary from person to person but the compulsion to eat only the healthiest foods can lead to salt, sugar, gluten, wheat, yeast, corn and dairy foods being cut out of a person’s diet. And it’s not only their bodies that pay the price. The condition can affect other areas of a sufferer’s life, too. People with orthorexia are so health conscious they tend to over-exercise, which cuts into their personal time.

They also spend hours reading up on the latest food research and scouring health food shops to find the right ‘pure’ ingredients they will allow themselves to eat. Therefore, mealtimes at home become more of a chore than a pleasure. And being constantly on guard about the foods they consume makes eating out virtually impossible, too.

‘It is similar to anorexia in lots of ways,’ explains Jade. ‘The personality of someone with orthorexia is very similar to that of an anorexic. They tend to be frightened of taking risks and quite insecure. They are disgusted by lots of different foods and are usually perfectionists with rigid rules about food and its purity. People with the condition will even take food out with them to restaurants because they don’t want to eat what is on the menu.’

Because orthorexics don’t always look underweight, the condition can often remain hidden for years.

Mary George, of eating disorder charity Beat, said alarm bells should start ringing when a food quirk or fad becomes ‘all-consuming’.

‘In this day and age, there’s so much more attention paid to healthy eating and what we put inside our bodies that it is possibly more likely that this situation may occur,’ she adds.

Read more:


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